
void ma_vanilla_init()

Indicates whether the mic array basic mode API is enabled.

For many applications, a simple out-of-the-box configuration is all that is needed from the mic array module. The basic mode API is a way of configuring lib_mic_array behavior for such applications.

Basic mode simplifies configuration by allocating the necessary contexts and buffers within the library for the user at compile time, and by providing a couple simple calls to initialize and begin processing. In standard mode (i.e. not basic mode), it is the application source’s responsibility to allocate and initialize these objects.

Basic mode uses a single core to both read in PDM data from a port (the PDM rx service in ISR mode) and process that data (the decimator thread) into frames of filtered audio samples. Each time another frame of audio data becomes available, the decimator thread attempts to transfer the frame to another thread using an xCore channel.

The receiving thread (typically) receives frames using ma_frame_rx_s32() (see mic_array/frame_transfer.h) and performs further application-specific processing of the data. In basic mode, the application developer writes the receiving thread. The receiving thread (in basic or standard mode) must be ready to receive new frames of audio as they become available in order to avoid backing up the pipeline and ultimately dropping samples.

The first step to configure lib_mic_array in basic mode is to add the appropriate build flags to the lib_mic_array build target. These are preprocessor macros that enable basic mode and specify its parameters. The required macro definitions are:

Basic Mode Setup

  • MIC_ARRAY_BASIC_API_ENABLE=1 - Defining this to 1 enables basic mode. If this is not defined to a non-zero value, no symbols corresponding to basic mode will be available for linking.

  • MIC_ARRAY_CONFIG_MCLK_FREQ - The master audio clock frequency, as an integer expressed in Hz. The master audio clock is divided to generate the PDM clock. e.g. -DMIC_ARRAY_CONFIG_MCLK_FREQ=24576000

  • MIC_ARRAY_CONFIG_PDM_FREQ - The PDM clock frequency. This is used with MIC_ARRAY_CONFIG_MCLK_FREQto determine the appropriate divider to generate the PDM clock. e.g.-DMIC_ARRAY_CONFIG_PDM_FREQ=3072000 *MIC_ARRAY_CONFIG_MIC_COUNT` - The number of microphones to be processed. This will be the number of audio channels in audio frames output by the mic array module. e.g. -DMIC_ARRAY_CONFIG_MIC_COUNT=2

The following preprocessor macros have default values that may be overridden by the application:

  • MIC_ARRAY_CONFIG_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME - The number of samples in each frame that is output from the mic array module. This value defaults to 1, so that each sample is transmitted separately. Most applications will want to process the audio stream in larger blocks. e.g. -DMIC_ARRAY_CONFIG_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME=16

  • MIC_ARRAY_CONFIG_USE_DC_ELIMINATION - Indicates whether the DC offset elimination filter should be applied to the output of the second stage decimator. Default value is 1 (enabled). To disable, set this to 0. e.g. -DMIC_ARRAY_CONFIG_USE_DC_ELIMINATION=0

With the appropriate preprocessor macros defined, the next step in your application is to collect the hardware resources (ports and clock blocks) required by the mic array into a pdm_rx_resources_t struct. In an XC file this may look like:

// in main.xc; the ports to be used
on tile[1]: in port p_mclk                     = XS1_PORT_1D;
on tile[1]: out port p_pdm_clk                 = XS1_PORT_1G;
on tile[1]: in buffered port:32 p_pdm_mics     = XS1_PORT_1F;
int main(){
  par {
    on tile[1]: {
      pdm_rx_resources pdm_res = 
          pdm_rx_resources_sdr((port_t) p_mclk,
                               (port_t) p_pdm_clk,
                               (port_t) p_pdm_mics,
                               (clock_t) MIC_ARRAY_CLK1);

Next, the mic array module needs to be initialized with a call to ma_basic_init():

par {
  on tile[1]: {
    pdm_rx_resources pdm_res = ...;

Finally, the mic array thread (and the thread to receive audio) is launched using ma_basic_task():

par {
  on tile[1]: {
    pdm_rx_resources pdm_res = ... ;
    chan c_audio_frames;
    par {
      ma_basic_task(&pdm_res, (chanend_t) c_audio_frames);
      audio_receive_thread((chanend_t) c_audio_frames, ...);

At this point the real-time condition is active and audio_receive_thread() must be ready to receive frames from ma_basic_task() as they become available.

Initializes the mic array module (basic mode only).

Initializes the contexts for the decimator thread and configures the clocks and ports for PDM reception.

After calling this, the PDM clock is active and signaling, but the PDM rx service (ISR) has not yet been activated, so received PDM samples are ignored. The real-time condition is not yet active.


pdm_res – Hardware resources required by the mic array module.

void ma_vanilla_task(chanend_t c_frames_out)

Entry point for decimator thread and PDM rx service (basic mode only).

This function sets up and activates the PDM rx service in ISR mode, and then immediately begins executing the decimator.

After calling this the real-time condition is active, meaning there must be another thread waiting to pull frames from the other end of c_frames_out as they become available.


c_frames_out – (Non-streaming) Channel over which to send processed frames of audio.