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Use xTIMEcomposer to debug a program

Version: X8590A Date: November 14, 2013Download PDF
X8590ANov 14, 2013 download view

The xCORE Debugger lets you see what’s going on “inside” your program while it executes on hardware or on the simulator. It can help you identify the cause of any erroneous behavior.

For full visibility of your program, you must compile it with debugging enabled (see -g). This causes the compiler to add symbols to the executable that let the debugger make direct associations back to the source code. Note that compiling with optimizations enabled (see Optimization Options) can also make debugging more difficult.

Launch the debugger

To load a program under control of the debugger, follow these steps:

  1. Select a project in the Project Explorer.
  2. Choose RunDebug Configurations.
  3. In the left panel, double-click XCore Application. xTIMEcomposer creates a new configuration and displays the default settings in the right panel.
  4. In the Name text box, enter a name for the configuration.
  5. xTIMEcomposer tries to identify the target project and executable for you. To select one yourself, click Browse to the right of theProject text box and select your project in theProject Selection dialog box. Then click Search Project and select the executable file in the Program Selection dialog box.

    You must have previously compiled your program without any errors for the executable to be available for selection.

  6. If you have a development board connected to your system, in the the Device options panel check the hardware option and select your debug adapter from the Adapter list. Alternatively, check the simulator option to run your program on the simulator.
  7. To save the configuration and launch the debugger, clickDebug. If you are asked whether to open the Debugperspective, check Remember my decision and click Yes.

xTIMEcomposer loads your program in the debugger and opens it in theDebug perspective.

xTIMEcomposer remembers the configuration last used to load your program. To debug the program later using the same settings, just click theDebug button (Debug button) . To use a different configuration, click the arrow to the right of the Debug button and select a configuration from the drop-down list.

Control program execution

Once launched, the debugger runs the program until either an exception is raised or you suspend execution by clicking theSuspend button (Suspend button) .

Click the Resume button (Resume button) to continue executing a suspended program, or use one of the step controls to advance the core selected in the Debug view incrementally:

  • Step Into (Step into button)

    Executes a single line of source code on the core selected in the Debug view. If the next line of code is a function call, the debugger suspends at the first statement in the called function. All other cores are resumed.

  • Step over (Step over button)

    Executes a single line of source code on the core selected in the Debug view. All other cores are resumed.

  • Step return (Step return button)

    Steps the core selected in theDebug view until the current function returns. If the next line of code is a function call, the debugger executes the entire function. All other cores are resumed.

  • Step through (Step through button)

    Switches the debugger context to the corresponding input core of a channel output statement. This is useful for following the path of data as it flows between cores. No cores are resumed.

When debugging optimized code, a step operation is not guaranteed to advance to the next line in the source code, since the compiler may have reordered instruction execution to improve performance.

Examine a suspended program

Once a program is suspended, you can query the state of each core and can inspect the values held in registers and memory.

  • Examine a core’s call stack

    The Debug view displays a list of software tasks, each of which can be expanded to show its call stack, as shown in Debug view.

    Debug view

    In the example above, the tile tile[0] is suspended at a breakpoint in the functionsend_data on line 25 of the file debug.xc.

  • Examine Variables

    The Variables view displays variables and their values. In theDebug view click on any function in a core’s call stack to view its variables, as shown in Variables view.

    Variables view

    To view a global variable, right-click in the Variables view, select Add Global Variables from the pop-up menu to open a dialog box and select the global variable to add to the view.

    Compiling a program without optimizations guarantees that every variable is held in memory for the duration of its scope so that its value can always be displayed. If optimizations are enabled, a variable may not be available to be examined, resulting in the message <value optimized out>.

You can do the following with variables:

  • Display a variable’s value in hexadecimal format

    Right-click on a variable to bring up a menu and chooseFormatHexadecimal. You can also choose binary, decimal or normal. The normal format is determined by the type of the variable.

  • Change a variable’s value

    Click on a value to highlight it, enter a new value and pressEnter. The table entry is highlighted yellow to indicate its value has changed. This allows you to test what happens under what-if scenarios.

  • Prevent the debugger from reading a variable

    Right-click on a variable and choose Disable from the contextual menu. This is useful if the variable’s type is qualified withvolatile.

    To apply settings to multiple variables at once, press Ctrl (Windows, Linux) or &cloverleaf; (Mac) while you click on multiple variables, then right-click and select an option from the contextual menu.

  • Examine Memory

    The Memory view provides a list of memory monitors, each representing a section of memory. To open the Memory view, chooseWindowShow ViewMemory. In the Debug view click on any core to view the contents of its memory, as shown inMemory view.

    Memory view

To specify a memory location to view, click the Add button (Add button) to open the Memory Monitor dialog box, enter a memory location and click OK. You can enter either an absolute address or a C/XC expression. To view the contents of an array just enter its name.

To display the memory contents in a different format such as Hex or ASCII, click the New Renderings tab, select a format and clickAdd Renderings. xTIMEcomposer adds new tabs in the panel to the right of the Memory view, each showing a different interpretation of the values in memory.

Set a breakpoint

A breakpoint is a marker in the program that instructs the debugger to interrupt execution so that you can investigate the state of the program. You can add a breakpoint to any executable line of code, causing execution to suspend before that line of code executes.

To add a breakpoint, double-click the marker bar in the left margin of the code editor next to the line at which you wish to suspend execution. A blue dot (Breakpoint marker) is displayed to indicate the presence of the breakpoint. Note that the breakpoint applies to every core that executes the function.

Breakpoints are also displayed in the Breakpoints view. To open the Breakpoints view, choose WindowShowViewBreakpoints. Double-click on a breakpoint to locate the corresponding line in the source code editor.

Here are some other things can do with breakpoints:

  • Set a conditional breakpoint

    Right-click on a breakpoint marker to bring up a contextual menu, and choose Breakpoint Properties to display a properties dialog box. Click the Common option in the left panel and enter a C/XC conditional expression in the Condition text box in the right panel. The expression can contain any variables in the scope of the breakpoint.

  • Set a conditional breakpoint

    Right-click on a breakpoint marker to bring up a contextual menu, and choose Breakpoint Properties to display a properties dialog box. Click the Common option in the left panel and enter a C/XC conditional expression in the Condition text box in the right panel. The expression can contain any variables in the scope of the breakpoint.

  • Set a watchpoint on a global variable

    A watchpoint is a special breakpoint that suspends execution whenever the value of an expression changes (without specifying where it might happen). Right-click anywhere in the Breakpointsview and choose Add Watchpoint C/XC from the contextual menu. Enter a C/XC expression in the dialog box, for example a[MAX]. SelectWrite to break when the expression is written, and Read to break when the expression is read.

  • Disable a breakpoint

    In the Breakpoints view, clear the checkbox next to a breakpoint. Enable the checkbox to re-enable the breakpoint.

  • Remove a breakpoint

    Double-click on a breakpoint marker in the code editor to remove it. Alternatively, right-click a breakpoint in the Breakpointsview and select Remove from the contextual menu; to remove all breakpoints, select Remove All.

View disassembled code

The Disassembly view displays the assembly instructions that are executed on the target platform. To open the Disassemblyview, choose WindowShow ViewDisassembly.

Disassembly view

xTIMEcomposer automatically enables instruction stepping mode whenever the Disassembly view has focus. Alternatively, click theInstruction Stepping Mode button (Instruction Stepping Mode button) to enable. Once enabled, click the Step button (Step button) to advance the program by a single assembly instruction.
