Complex 32-Bit Vector API#

group vect_complex_s32_api


headroom_t vect_complex_s32_add(complex_s32_t a[], const complex_s32_t b[], const complex_s32_t c[], const unsigned length, const right_shift_t b_shr, const right_shift_t c_shr)#

Add one complex 32-bit vector to another.

a[], b[] and c[] represent the complex 32-bit mantissa vectors \(\bar a\), \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) respectively. Each must begin at a word-aligned address. This operation can be performed safely in-place on b[] or c[].

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

b_shr and c_shr are the signed arithmetic right-shifts applied to each element of \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) respectively.

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & b_k' \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & c_k' \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor c_k \cdot 2^{-c\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow Re\{b_k'\} + Re\{c_k'\} \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow Im\{b_k'\} + Im\{c_k'\} \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of BFP vectors \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \) and \(\bar{c} \cdot 2^{c\_exp}\), then the resulting vector \(\bar a\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\).

In this case, \(b\_shr\) and \(c\_shr\) must be chosen so that \(a\_exp = b\_exp + b\_shr = c\_exp + c\_shr\). Adding or subtracting mantissas only makes sense if they are associated with the same exponent.

The function vect_complex_s32_add_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\), \(b\_shr\) and \(c\_shr\) based on the input exponents \(b\_exp\) and \(c\_exp\) and the input headrooms \(b\_hr\) and \(c\_hr\).

  • a[out] Complex output vector \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\)

  • c[in] Complex input vector \(\bar c\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\), \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\)

  • b_shr[in] Right-shift applied to \(\bar b\)

  • c_shr[in] Right-shift applied to \(\bar c\)


Raised if a, b or c is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of output vector \(\bar a\).

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_add_scalar(complex_s32_t a[], const complex_s32_t b[], const complex_s32_t c, const unsigned length, const right_shift_t b_shr)#

Add a scalar to a complex 32-bit vector.

a[] and b[]represent the complex 32-bit mantissa vectors \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\) respectively. Each must begin at a word-aligned address. This operation can be performed safely in-place on b[].

c is the complex scalar \(c\)to be added to each element of \(\bar b\).

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

b_shr is the signed arithmetic right-shift applied to each element of \(\bar b\).

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & b_k' \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow Re\{b_k'\} + Re\{c\} \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow Im\{b_k'\} + Im\{c\} \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If elements of \(\bar b\) are the complex mantissas of BFP vector \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp}\), and \(c\) is the mantissa of floating-point value \(c \cdot 2^{c\_exp}\), then the resulting vector \(\bar a\) are the mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\).

In this case, \(b\_shr\) and \(c\_shr\) must be chosen so that \(a\_exp = b\_exp + b\_shr = c\_exp + c\_shr\). Adding or subtracting mantissas only makes sense if they are associated with the same exponent.

The function vect_complex_s32_add_scalar_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\), \(b\_shr\) and \(c\_shr\) based on the input exponents \(b\_exp\) and \(c\_exp\) and the input headrooms \(b\_hr\) and \(c\_hr\).

Note that \(c\_shr\) is an output of vect_complex_s32_add_scalar_prepare(), but is not a parameter to this function. The \(c\_shr\) produced by vect_complex_s32_add_scalar_prepare() is to be applied by the user, and the result passed as input c.

  • a[out] Complex output vector \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\)

  • c[in] Complex input scalar \(c\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\)

  • b_shr[in] Right-shift applied to \(\bar b\)


Raised if a or b is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of output vector \(\bar a\).

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_conj_mul(complex_s32_t a[], const complex_s32_t b[], const complex_s32_t c[], const unsigned length, const right_shift_t b_shr, const right_shift_t c_shr)#

Multiply one complex 32-bit vector element-wise by the complex conjugate of another.

a[], b[] and c[] represent the 32-bit mantissa vectors \(\bar a\), \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) respectively. Each must begin at a word-aligned address. This operation can be performed safely in-place on b[] or c[].

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

b_shr and c_shr are the signed arithmetic right-shifts applied to each element of \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) respectively.

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & b_k' \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & c_k' \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor c_k \cdot 2^{-c\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow \left( Re\{b_k'\} \cdot Re\{c_k'\} + Im\{b_k'\} \cdot Im\{c_k'\} \right) \cdot 2^{-30} \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow \left( Im\{b_k'\} \cdot Re\{c_k'\} - Re\{b_k'\} \cdot Im\{c_k'\} \right) \cdot 2^{-30} \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If \(\bar b\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of a BFP vector \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \) and \(c\) is the complex 32-bit mantissa of floating-point value \(c \cdot 2^{c\_exp}\), then the resulting vector \(\bar a\) are the mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), where \(a\_exp = b\_exp + c\_exp + a\_shr\).

The function vect_complex_s32_conj_mul_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\) and \(a\_shr\) based on the input exponents \(b\_exp\) and \(c\_exp\) and the input headrooms \(b\_hr\) and \(c\_hr\).

  • a[out] Complex output vector \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\)

  • c[in] Complex input vector \(\bar c\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\), \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\)

  • b_shr[in] Right-shift applied to elements of \(\bar b\).

  • c_shr[in] Right-shift applied to elements of \(\bar c\).


Raised if a, b or c is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of the output vector \(\bar a\)

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_headroom(const complex_s32_t x[], const unsigned length)#

Calculate the headroom of a complex 32-bit array.

The headroom of an N-bit integer is the number of bits that the integer’s value may be left-shifted without any information being lost. Equivalently, it is one less than the number of leading sign bits.

The headroom of a complex_s32_t struct is the minimum of the headroom of each of its 32-bit fields, re and im.

The headroom of a complex_s32_t array is the minimum of the headroom of each of its complex_s32_t elements.

This function efficiently traverses the elements of \(\bar x\) to determine its headroom.

x[] represents the complex 32-bit vector \(\bar x\). x[] must begin at a word-aligned address.

length is the number of elements in x[].

Operation Performed

\[\begin{aligned} min\!\{ HR_{32}\left(x_0\right), HR_{32}\left(x_1\right), ..., HR_{32}\left(x_{length-1}\right) \} \end{aligned}\]

  • x[in] Complex input vector \(\bar x\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in \(\bar x\)


Raised if x is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of vector \(\bar x\)

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_macc(complex_s32_t acc[], const complex_s32_t b[], const complex_s32_t c[], const unsigned length, const right_shift_t acc_shr, const right_shift_t b_shr, const right_shift_t c_shr)#

Multiply one complex 32-bit vector element-wise by another, and add the result to an accumulator.

acc[] represents the complex 32-bit accumulator mantissa vector \(\bar a\). Each \(a_k\) is acc[k].

b[] and c[] represent the complex 32-bit input mantissa vectors \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\), where each \(b_k\) is b[k] and each \(c_k\) is c[k].

Each of the input vectors must begin at a word-aligned address.

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

acc_shr, b_shr and c_shr are the signed arithmetic right-shifts applied to input elements \(a_k\), \(b_k\) and \(c_k\).

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & \tilde{b}_k \leftarrow sat_{32}( b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} ) \\ & \tilde{c}_k \leftarrow sat_{32}( c_k \cdot 2^{-c\_shr} ) \\ & \tilde{a}_k \leftarrow sat_{32}( a_k \cdot 2^{-acc\_shr} ) \\ & v_k \leftarrow round( sat_{32}( ( Re\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Re\{\tilde{c}_k\} - Im\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Im\{\tilde{c}_k\} ) \cdot 2^{-30}) ) \\ & s_k \leftarrow round( sat_{32}( ( Im\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Re\{\tilde{c}_k\} + Re\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Im\{\tilde{c}_k\} ) \cdot 2^{-30}) ) \\ & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow sat_{32}( Re\{\tilde{a}_k\} + v_k ) \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow sat_{32}( Im\{\tilde{a}_k\} + s_k ) \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If inputs \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) are the mantissas of BFP vectors \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \) and \(\bar{c} \cdot 2^{c\_exp}\), and input \(\bar a\) is the accumulator BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), then the output values of \(\bar a\) have the exponent \(2^{a\_exp + acc\_shr}\).

For accumulation to make sense mathematically, \(bc\_sat\) must be chosen such that \( a\_exp + acc\_shr = b\_exp + c\_exp + b\_shr + c\_shr \).

The function vect_complex_s32_macc_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\), \(acc\_shr\), \(b\_shr\) and \(c\_shr\) based on the input exponents \(a\_exp\), \(b\_exp\) and \(c\_exp\) and the input headrooms \(a\_hr\), \(b\_hr\) and \(c\_hr\).

  • acc[inout] Complex accumulator \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\)

  • c[in] Complex input vector \(\bar c\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\), \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\)

  • acc_shr[in] Signed arithmetic right-shift applied to accumulator elements.

  • b_shr[in] Signed arithmetic right-shift applied to elements of \(\bar b\)

  • c_shr[in] Signed arithmetic right-shift applied to elements of \(\bar c\)


Raised if acc, b or c is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of the output vector \(\bar a\)

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_nmacc(complex_s32_t acc[], const complex_s32_t b[], const complex_s32_t c[], const unsigned length, const right_shift_t acc_shr, const right_shift_t b_shr, const right_shift_t c_shr)#

Multiply one complex 32-bit vector element-wise by another, and subtract the result from an accumulator.

acc[] represents the complex 32-bit accumulator mantissa vector \(\bar a\). Each \(a_k\) is acc[k].

b[] and c[] represent the complex 32-bit input mantissa vectors \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\), where each \(b_k\) is b[k] and each \(c_k\) is c[k].

Each of the input vectors must begin at a word-aligned address.

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

acc_shr, b_shr and c_shr are the signed arithmetic right-shifts applied to input elements \(a_k\), \(b_k\) and \(c_k\).

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & \tilde{b}_k \leftarrow sat_{32}( b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} ) \\ & \tilde{c}_k \leftarrow sat_{32}( c_k \cdot 2^{-c\_shr} ) \\ & \tilde{a}_k \leftarrow sat_{32}( a_k \cdot 2^{-acc\_shr} ) \\ & v_k \leftarrow round( sat_{32}( ( Re\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Re\{\tilde{c}_k\} - Im\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Im\{\tilde{c}_k\} ) \cdot 2^{-30}) ) \\ & s_k \leftarrow round( sat_{32}( ( Im\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Re\{\tilde{c}_k\} + Re\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Im\{\tilde{c}_k\} ) \cdot 2^{-30}) ) \\ & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow sat_{32}( Re\{\tilde{a}_k\} - v_k ) \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow sat_{32}( Im\{\tilde{a}_k\} - s_k ) \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If inputs \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) are the mantissas of BFP vectors \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \) and \(\bar{c} \cdot 2^{c\_exp}\), and input \(\bar a\) is the accumulator BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), then the output values of \(\bar a\) have the exponent \(2^{a\_exp + acc\_shr}\).

For accumulation to make sense mathematically, \(bc\_sat\) must be chosen such that \( a\_exp + acc\_shr = b\_exp + c\_exp + b\_shr + c\_shr \).

The function vect_complex_s32_macc_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\), \(acc\_shr\), \(b\_shr\) and \(c\_shr\) based on the input exponents \(a\_exp\), \(b\_exp\) and \(c\_exp\) and the input headrooms \(a\_hr\), \(b\_hr\) and \(c\_hr\).

  • acc[inout] Complex accumulator \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\)

  • c[in] Complex input vector \(\bar c\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\), \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\)

  • acc_shr[in] Signed arithmetic right-shift applied to accumulator elements.

  • b_shr[in] Signed arithmetic right-shift applied to elements of \(\bar b\)

  • c_shr[in] Signed arithmetic right-shift applied to elements of \(\bar c\)


Raised if acc, b or c is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of the output vector \(\bar a\)

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_conj_macc(complex_s32_t acc[], const complex_s32_t b[], const complex_s32_t c[], const unsigned length, const right_shift_t acc_shr, const right_shift_t b_shr, const right_shift_t c_shr)#

Multiply one complex 32-bit vector element-wise by the complex conjugate of another, and add the result to an accumulator.

acc[] represents the complex 32-bit accumulator mantissa vector \(\bar a\). Each \(a_k\) is acc[k].

b[] and c[] represent the complex 32-bit input mantissa vectors \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\), where each \(b_k\) is b[k] and each \(c_k\) is c[k].

Each of the input vectors must begin at a word-aligned address.

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

acc_shr, b_shr and c_shr are the signed arithmetic right-shifts applied to input elements \(a_k\), \(b_k\) and \(c_k\).

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & \tilde{b}_k \leftarrow sat_{32}( b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} ) \\ & \tilde{c}_k \leftarrow sat_{32}( c_k \cdot 2^{-c\_shr} ) \\ & \tilde{a}_k \leftarrow sat_{32}( a_k \cdot 2^{-acc\_shr} ) \\ & v_k \leftarrow round( sat_{32}( ( Re\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Re\{\tilde{c}_k\} + Im\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Im\{\tilde{c}_k\} ) \cdot 2^{-30}) ) \\ & s_k \leftarrow round( sat_{32}( ( Im\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Re\{\tilde{c}_k\} - Re\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Im\{\tilde{c}_k\} ) \cdot 2^{-30}) ) \\ & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow sat_{32}( Re\{\tilde{a}_k\} + v_k ) \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow sat_{32}( Im\{\tilde{a}_k\} + s_k ) \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If inputs \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) are the mantissas of BFP vectors \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \) and \(\bar{c} \cdot 2^{c\_exp}\), and input \(\bar a\) is the accumulator BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), then the output values of \(\bar a\) have the exponent \(2^{a\_exp + acc\_shr}\).

For accumulation to make sense mathematically, \(bc\_sat\) must be chosen such that \( a\_exp + acc\_shr = b\_exp + c\_exp + b\_shr + c\_shr \).

The function vect_complex_s32_conj_macc_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\), \(acc\_shr\), \(b\_shr\) and \(c\_shr\) based on the input exponents \(a\_exp\), \(b\_exp\) and \(c\_exp\) and the input headrooms \(a\_hr\), \(b\_hr\) and \(c\_hr\).

  • acc[inout] Complex accumulator \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\)

  • c[in] Complex input vector \(\bar c\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\), \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\)

  • acc_shr[in] Signed arithmetic right-shift applied to accumulator elements.

  • b_shr[in] Signed arithmetic right-shift applied to elements of \(\bar b\)

  • c_shr[in] Signed arithmetic right-shift applied to elements of \(\bar c\)


Raised if acc, b or c is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of the output vector \(\bar a\)

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_conj_nmacc(complex_s32_t acc[], const complex_s32_t b[], const complex_s32_t c[], const unsigned length, const right_shift_t acc_shr, const right_shift_t b_shr, const right_shift_t c_shr)#

Multiply one complex 32-bit vector element-wise by the complex conjugate of another, and subtract the result from an accumulator.

acc[] represents the complex 32-bit accumulator mantissa vector \(\bar a\). Each \(a_k\) is acc[k].

b[] and c[] represent the complex 32-bit input mantissa vectors \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\), where each \(b_k\) is b[k] and each \(c_k\) is c[k].

Each of the input vectors must begin at a word-aligned address.

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

acc_shr, b_shr and c_shr are the signed arithmetic right-shifts applied to input elements \(a_k\), \(b_k\) and \(c_k\).

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & \tilde{b}_k \leftarrow sat_{32}( b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} ) \\ & \tilde{c}_k \leftarrow sat_{32}( c_k \cdot 2^{-c\_shr} ) \\ & \tilde{a}_k \leftarrow sat_{32}( a_k \cdot 2^{-acc\_shr} ) \\ & v_k \leftarrow round( sat_{32}( ( Re\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Re\{\tilde{c}_k\} + Im\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Im\{\tilde{c}_k\} ) \cdot 2^{-30}) ) \\ & s_k \leftarrow round( sat_{32}( ( Im\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Re\{\tilde{c}_k\} - Re\{\tilde{b}_k\} \cdot Im\{\tilde{c}_k\} ) \cdot 2^{-30}) ) \\ & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow sat_{32}( Re\{\tilde{a}_k\} - v_k ) \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow sat_{32}( Im\{\tilde{a}_k\} - s_k ) \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If inputs \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) are the mantissas of BFP vectors \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \) and \(\bar{c} \cdot 2^{c\_exp}\), and input \(\bar a\) is the accumulator BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), then the output values of \(\bar a\) have the exponent \(2^{a\_exp + acc\_shr}\).

For accumulation to make sense mathematically, \(bc\_sat\) must be chosen such that \( a\_exp + acc\_shr = b\_exp + c\_exp + b\_shr + c\_shr \).

The function vect_complex_s32_conj_nmacc_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\), \(acc\_shr\), \(b\_shr\) and \(c\_shr\) based on the input exponents \(a\_exp\), \(b\_exp\) and \(c\_exp\) and the input headrooms \(a\_hr\), \(b\_hr\) and \(c\_hr\).

  • acc[inout] Complex accumulator \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\)

  • c[in] Complex input vector \(\bar c\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\), \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\)

  • acc_shr[in] Signed arithmetic right-shift applied to accumulator elements.

  • b_shr[in] Signed arithmetic right-shift applied to elements of \(\bar b\)

  • c_shr[in] Signed arithmetic right-shift applied to elements of \(\bar c\)


Raised if acc, b or c is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of the output vector \(\bar a\)

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_mag(int32_t a[], const complex_s32_t b[], const unsigned length, const right_shift_t b_shr, const complex_s32_t *rot_table, const unsigned table_rows)#

Compute the magnitude of each element of a complex 32-bit vector.

a[] represents the real 32-bit output mantissa vector \(\bar a\).

b[] represents the complex 32-bit input mantissa vector \(\bar b\).

a[] and b[] must each begin at a word-aligned address.

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

b_shr is the signed arithmetic right-shift applied to elements of \(\bar b\).

rot_table must point to a pre-computed table of complex vectors used in calculating the magnitudes. table_rows is the number of rows in the table. This library is distributed with a default version of the required rotation table. The following symbols can be used to refer to it in user code:

const extern unsigned rot_table32_rows;
const extern complex_s32_t rot_table32[30][4];

Faster computation (with reduced precision) can be achieved by generating a smaller version of the table. A python script is provided to generate this table.


Point to documentation page on generating this table.

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & v_k \leftarrow b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} \\ & a_k \leftarrow \sqrt { {\left( Re\{v_k\} \right)}^2 + {\left( Im\{v_k\} \right)}^2 } \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If \(\bar b\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of a BFP vector \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \), then the resulting vector \(\bar a\) are the real 32-bit mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), where \(a\_exp = b\_exp + b\_shr\).

The function vect_complex_s32_mag_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\) and \(b\_shr\) based on the input exponent \(b\_exp\) and headroom \(b\_hr\).

  • a[out] Real output vector \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\)

  • b_shr[in] Right-shift appled to \(\bar b\)

  • rot_table[in] Pre-computed rotation table required for calculating magnitudes

  • table_rows[in] Number of rows in rot_table


Raised if a or b is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of the output vector \(\bar a\).

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_mul(complex_s32_t a[], const complex_s32_t b[], const complex_s32_t c[], const unsigned length, const right_shift_t b_shr, const right_shift_t c_shr)#

Multiply one complex 32-bit vector element-wise by another.

a[], b[] and c[] represent the 32-bit mantissa vectors \(\bar a\), \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) respectively. Each must begin at a word-aligned address. This operation can be performed safely in-place on b[] or c[].

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

b_shr and c_shr are the signed arithmetic right-shifts applied to each element of \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) respectively.

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & b_k' \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & c_k' \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor c_k \cdot 2^{-c\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow \left( Re\{b_k'\} \cdot Re\{c_k'\} - Im\{b_k'\} \cdot Im\{c_k'\} \right) \cdot 2^{-30} \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow \left( Im\{b_k'\} \cdot Re\{c_k'\} + Re\{b_k'\} \cdot Im\{c_k'\} \right) \cdot 2^{-30} \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If \(\bar b\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of a BFP vector \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \) and \(c\) is the complex 32-bit mantissa of floating-point value \(c \cdot 2^{c\_exp}\), then the resulting vector \(\bar a\) are the mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), where \(a\_exp = b\_exp + c\_exp + b\_shr + c\_shr\).

The function vect_complex_s32_mul_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\), \(b\_shr\) and \(c\_shr\) based on the input exponents \(b\_exp\) and \(c\_exp\) and the input headrooms \(b\_hr\) and \(c\_hr\).

  • a[out] Complex output vector \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\)

  • c[in] Complex input vector \(\bar c\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\), \(\bar b\), and \(\bar c\)

  • b_shr[in] Right-shift appled to \(\bar b\)

  • c_shr[in] Right-shift appled to \(\bar c\)


Raised if a, b or c is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of the output vector \(\bar a\)

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_real_mul(complex_s32_t a[], const complex_s32_t b[], const int32_t c[], const unsigned length, const right_shift_t b_shr, const right_shift_t c_shr)#

Multiply a complex 32-bit vector element-wise by a real 32-bit vector.

a[] and b[] represent the complex 32-bit mantissa vectors \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\) respectively.

c[] represents the real 32-bit mantissa vector \(\bar c\).

a[], b[], and c[] each must begin at a word-aligned address. This operation can be performed safely in-place on b[].

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

b_shr and c_shr are the signed arithmetic right-shifts applied to each element of \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) respectively.

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & b_k' \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & c_k' \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor c_k \cdot 2^{-c\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow \left( Re\{b_k'\} \cdot c_k' \right) \cdot 2^{-30} \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow \left( Im\{b_k'\} \cdot c_k' \right) \cdot 2^{-30} \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If \(\bar b\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of a BFP vector \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \) and \(c\) is the complex 32-bit mantissa of floating-point value \(c \cdot 2^{c\_exp}\), then the resulting vector \(\bar a\) are the mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), where \(a\_exp = b\_exp + c\_exp + b\_shr + c\_shr\).

The function vect_complex_s32_real_mul_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\), \(b\_shr\) and \(c\_shr\) based on the input exponents \(b\_exp\) and \(c\_exp\) and the input headrooms \(b\_hr\) and \(c\_hr\).

  • a[out] Complex output vector \(\bar a\).

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\).

  • c[in] Real input vector \(\bar c\).

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\), \(\bar b\), and \(\bar c\).

  • b_shr[in] Right-shift appled to \(\bar b\).

  • c_shr[in] Right-shift appled to \(\bar c\).


Raised if a, b or c is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of the output vector \(\bar a\).

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_real_scale(complex_s32_t a[], const complex_s32_t b[], const int32_t c, const unsigned length, const right_shift_t b_shr, const right_shift_t c_shr)#

Multiply a complex 32-bit vector by a real scalar.

a[] and b[] represent the complex 32-bit mantissa vectors \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\) respectively.

c represents the real 32-bit scale factor \(c\).

a[] and b[] each must begin at a word-aligned address. This operation can be performed safely in-place on b[].

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

b_shr and c_shr are the signed arithmetic right-shift applied to each element of \(\bar b\) and to \(c\).

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & b_k' \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow Re\{b_k'\} \cdot c \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow Im\{b_k'\} \cdot c \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If \(\bar b\) are the complex 16-bit mantissas of a BFP vector \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \) and \(c\) is the complex 16-bit mantissa of floating-point value \(c \cdot 2^{c\_exp}\), then the resulting vector \(\bar a\) are the mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), where \(a\_exp = b\_exp + c\_exp + b\_shr + c\_shr\).

The function vect_complex_s32_real_scale_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\), \(b\_shr\) and \(c\_shr\) based on the input exponents \(b\_exp\) and \(c\_exp\) and the input headrooms \(b\_hr\) and \(c\_hr\).

  • a[out] Complex output vector \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\)

  • c[in] Complex input vector \(\bar c\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\), \(\bar b\), and \(\bar c\)

  • b_shr[in] Right-shift applied to \(\bar b\)

  • c_shr[in] Right-shift applied to \(c\)


Raised if a or b is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of the output vector \(\bar a\).

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_scale(complex_s32_t a[], const complex_s32_t b[], const int32_t c_real, const int32_t c_imag, const unsigned length, const right_shift_t b_shr, const right_shift_t c_shr)#

Multiply a complex 32-bit vector by a complex 32-bit scalar.

a[] and b[] represent the complex 32-bit mantissa vectors \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\) respectively.

c represents the complex 32-bit scale factor \(c\).

a[] and b[] each must begin at a word-aligned address. This operation can be performed safely in-place on b[].

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

b_shr and c_shr are the signed arithmetic right-shifts applied to each element of \(\bar b\) and to \(c\).

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & b_k' \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow \left( Re\{v_k\} \cdot Re\{c\} - Im\{v_k\} \cdot Im\{c\} \right) \cdot 2^{-30} \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow \left( Re\{v_k\} \cdot Im\{c\} + Im\{v_k\} \cdot Re\{c\} \right) \cdot 2^{-30} \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If \(\bar b\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of a BFP vector \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \) and \(c\) is the complex 32-bit mantissa of floating-point value \(c \cdot 2^{c\_exp}\), then the resulting vector \(\bar a\) are the mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), where \(a\_exp = b\_exp + c\_exp + b\_shr + c\_shr\).

The function vect_complex_s32_mul_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\), \(b\_shr\) and \(c\_shr\) based on the input exponents \(b\_exp\) and \(c\_exp\) and the input headrooms \(b\_hr\) and \(c\_hr\).

  • a[out] Complex output vector \(\bar a\).

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\).

  • c_real[in] Real part of \(c\)

  • c_imag[in] Imaginary part of \(c\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\).

  • b_shr[in] Right-shift appled to \(\bar b\).

  • c_shr[in] Right-shift applied to \(c\).


Raised if a or b is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of the output vector \(\bar a\).

void vect_complex_s32_set(complex_s32_t a[], const int32_t b_real, const int32_t b_imag, const unsigned length)#

Set each element of a complex 32-bit vector to a specified value.

a[] represents a complex 32-bit vector \(\bar a\). a[] must begin at a word-aligned address.

b_real and b_imag are the real and imaginary parts to which each element will be set.

length is the number of elements in a[].

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & a_k \leftarrow b\_real + j\cdot b\_imag \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \\ & \qquad\text{ where } j^2 = -1 \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If \(b\) is the mantissa of floating-point value \(b \cdot 2^{b\_exp}\), then the output vector \(\bar a\) are the mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), where \(a\_exp = b\_exp\).

  • a[out] Complex output vector \(\bar a\)

  • b_real[in] Value to set real part of elements of \(\bar a\) to

  • b_imag[in] Value to set imaginary part of elements of \(\bar a\) to

  • length[in] Number of elements in \(\bar a\)


Raised if a is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_shl(complex_s32_t a[], const complex_s32_t b[], const unsigned length, const left_shift_t b_shl)#

Left-shift each element of a complex 32-bit vector by a specified number of bits.

a[] and b[] represent the complex 32-bit mantissa vectors \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\) respectively. Each must begin at a word-aligned address. This operation can be performed safely in-place on b[].

length is the number of elements in \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\).

b_shl is the signed arithmetic left-shift applied to each element of \(\bar b\).

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor Re\{b_k\} \cdot 2^{b\_shl} \rfloor) \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor Im\{b_k\} \cdot 2^{b\_shl} \rfloor) \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If \(\bar b\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of a BFP vector \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \), then the resulting vector \(\bar a\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), where \(\bar{a} = \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_shl}\) and \(a\_exp = b\_exp\).

  • a[out] Complex output vector \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vector \(\bar b\)

  • b_shl[in] Left-shift applied to \(\bar b\)


Raised if a or b is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of the output vector \(\bar a\)

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_shr(complex_s32_t a[], const complex_s32_t b[], const unsigned length, const right_shift_t b_shr)#

Right-shift each element of a complex 32-bit vector by a specified number of bits.

a[] and b[] represent the complex 32-bit mantissa vectors \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\) respectively. Each must begin at a word-aligned address. This operation can be performed safely in-place on b[].

length is the number of elements in \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\).

b_shr is the signed arithmetic right-shift applied to each element of \(\bar b\).

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor Re\{b_k\} \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor Im\{b_k\} \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If \(\bar b\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of a BFP vector \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \), then the resulting vector \(\bar a\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), where \(\bar{a} = \bar{b} \cdot 2^{-b\_shr}\) and \(a\_exp = b\_exp\).

  • a[out] Complex output vector \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vector \(\bar b\)

  • b_shr[in] Right-shift applied to \(\bar b\)


Raised if a or b is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of the output vector \(\bar a\)

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_squared_mag(int32_t a[], const complex_s32_t b[], const unsigned length, const right_shift_t b_shr)#

Computes the squared magnitudes of elements of a complex 32-bit vector.

a[] represents the complex 32-bit mantissa vector \(\bar a\). b[] represents the real 32-bit mantissa vector \(\bar b\). Each must begin at a word-aligned address.

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

b_shr is the signed arithmetic right-shift appled to each element of \(\bar b\).

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & b_k' \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & a_k \leftarrow ((Re\{b_k'\})^2 + (Im\{b_k'\})^2)\cdot 2^{-30} \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If \(\bar b\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of a BFP vector \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \), then the resulting vector \(\bar a\) are the real 32-bit mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), where \(a\_exp = 2 \cdot (b\_exp + b\_shr)\).

The function vect_complex_s32_squared_mag_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\) and \(b\_shr\) based on the input exponent \(b\_exp\) and headroom \(b\_hr\).

  • a[out] Complex output vector \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\)

  • b_shr[in] Right-shift appled to \(\bar b\)


Raised if a is not double word-aligned or b is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_sub(complex_s32_t a[], const complex_s32_t b[], const complex_s32_t c[], const unsigned length, const right_shift_t b_shr, const right_shift_t c_shr)#

Subtract one complex 32-bit vector from another.

a[], b[] and c[] represent the complex 32-bit mantissa vectors \(\bar a\), \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) respectively. Each must begin at a word-aligned address. This operation can be performed safely in-place on b[] or c[].

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

b_shr and c_shr are the signed arithmetic right-shifts applied to each element of \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) respectively.

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & b_k' \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & c_k' \leftarrow sat_{32}(\lfloor c_k \cdot 2^{-c\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow Re\{b_k'\} - Re\{c_k'\} \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow Im\{b_k'\} - Im\{c_k'\} \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of BFP vectors \( \bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp} \) and \(\bar{c} \cdot 2^{c\_exp}\), then the resulting vector \(\bar a\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\).

In this case, \(b\_shr\) and \(c\_shr\) must be chosen so that \(a\_exp = b\_exp + b\_shr = c\_exp + c\_shr\). Adding or subtracting mantissas only makes sense if they are associated with the same exponent.

The function vect_complex_s32_sub_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\), \(b\_shr\) and \(c\_shr\) based on the input exponents \(b\_exp\) and \(c\_exp\) and the input headrooms \(b\_hr\) and \(c\_hr\).

  • a[out] Complex output vector \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\)

  • c[in] Complex input vector \(\bar c\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\), \(\bar b\) and \(\bar c\)

  • b_shr[in] Right-shift applied to \(\bar b\)

  • c_shr[in] Right-shift applied to \(\bar c\)


Raised if a, b or c is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of output vector \(\bar a\).

void vect_complex_s32_sum(complex_s64_t *a, const complex_s32_t b[], const unsigned length, const right_shift_t b_shr)#

Compute the sum of elements of a complex 32-bit vector.

a is the complex 64-bit mantissa of the resulting sum.

b[] represents the complex 32-bit mantissa vector \(\bar b\). b[] must begin at a word-aligned address.

length is the number of elements in \(\bar b\).

b_shr is the unsigned arithmetic right-shift appled to each element of \(\bar b\). b_shr cannot be negative.

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & b_k' \leftarrow b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} \\ & Re\{a\} \leftarrow \sum_{k=0}^{length-1} \left( Re\{b_k'\} \right) \\ & Im\{a\} \leftarrow \sum_{k=0}^{length-1} \left( Im\{b_k'\} \right) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If \(\bar b\) are the mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp}\), then \(a\) is the complex 64-bit mantissa of floating-point value \(a \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), where \(a\_exp = b\_exp + b\_shr\).

The function vect_complex_s32_sum_prepare() can be used to obtain values for \(a\_exp\) and \(b\_shr\) based on the input exponents \(b\_exp\) and \(c\_exp\) and the input headrooms \(b\_hr\) and \(c\_hr\).

Additional Details

Internally the sum accumulates into four separate complex 40-bit accumulators. These accumulators apply symmetric 40-bit saturation logic (with bounds \(\pm 2^{39}-1\)) with each added element. At the end, the 4 accumulators are summed together into the 64-bit fields of a. No saturation logic is applied at this final step.

In the most extreme case, each \(b_k\) may be \(-2^{31}\). \(256\) of these added into the same accumulator is \(-2^{39}\) which would saturate to \(-2^{39}+1\), introducing 1 LSb of error (which may or may not be acceptable given a particular circumstance). The final result for each part then may be as large as \(4\cdot(-2^{39}+1) = -2^{41}+4 \), each fitting into a 42-bit signed integer.

  • a[out] Complex sum \(a\)

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\).

  • length[in] Number of elements in vector \(\bar b\).

  • b_shr[in] Right-shift appled to \(\bar b\).


Raised if b is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)

void vect_complex_s32_tail_reverse(complex_s32_t x[], const unsigned length)#

Reverses the order of the tail of a complex 32-bit vector.

Reverses the order of elements in the tail of the complex 32-bit vector \(\bar x\). The tail of \(\bar x\), in this context, is all elements of \(\bar x\) except for \(x_0\). In other words, the first element \(x_0\) remains where it is, and the remaining \(length-1\) elements are rearranged to have their order reversed.

This function is used when performing a forward or inverse FFT on a single sequence of real values (i.e. the mono FFT), and operates in-place on x[].

Parameter Details

x[] represents the complex 32-bit vector \(\bar x\), which is both an input to and an output of this function. x[] must begin at a word-aligned address.

length is the number of elements in \(\bar x\).

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & x_0 \leftarrow x_0 \\ & x_k \leftarrow x_{length - k} \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 1\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

  • x[inout] Complex vector to have its tail reversed.

  • length[in] Number of elements in \(\bar x\)


Raised if x is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)

headroom_t vect_complex_s32_conjugate(complex_s32_t a[], const complex_s32_t b[], const unsigned length)#

Get the complex conjugate of a complex 32-bit vector.

The complex conjugate of a complex scalar \(z = x + yi\) is \(z^* = x - yi\). This function computes the complex conjugate of each element of \(\bar b\) (negates the imaginary part of each element) and places the result in \(\bar a\).

a[] is the complex 32-bit output vector \(\bar a\).

b[] is the complex 32-bit input vector \(\bar b\).

Both a and b must point to word-aligned addresses.

length is the number of elements in \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\).

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow Re\{b_k\} \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow - Im\{b_k\} \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 1\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

  • a[out] Complex 32-bit output vector \(\bar a\)

  • b[in] Complex 32-bit input vector \(\bar b\)

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\)


Raised if a or b is not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)


Headroom of the output vector \(\bar a\).

void vect_complex_s32_to_vect_complex_s16(int16_t a_real[], int16_t a_imag[], const complex_s32_t b[], const unsigned length, const right_shift_t b_shr)#

Convert a complex 32-bit vector into a complex 16-bit vector.

This function converts a complex 32-bit mantissa vector \(\bar b\) into a complex 16-bit mantissa vector \(\bar a\). Conceptually, the output BFP vector \(\bar{a}\cdot 2^{a\_exp}\) represents the same value as the input BFP vector \(\bar{b}\cdot 2^{b\_exp}\), only with a reduced bit-depth.

In most cases \(b\_shr\) should be \(16 - b\_hr\), where \(b\_hr\) is the headroom of the 32-bit input mantissa vector \(\bar b\). The output exponent \(a\_exp\) will then be given by

\( a\_exp = b\_exp + b\_shr \)

Parameter Details

a_real[] and a_imag[] together represent the complex 16-bit output mantissa vector \(\bar a\), with the real part of each \(a_k\) going in a_real[] and the imaginary part going in a_imag[].

b[] represents the complex 32-bit mantissa vector \(\bar b\).

a_real[], a_imag[] and b[] must each begin at a word-aligned address.

length is the number of elements in each of the vectors.

b_shr is the signed arithmetic right-shift applied to elements of \(\bar b\).

Operation Performed

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} & b_k' \leftarrow sat_{16}(\lfloor b_k \cdot 2^{-b\_shr} \rfloor) \\ & Re\{a_k\} \leftarrow Re\{b_k'\} \\ & Im\{a_k\} \leftarrow Im\{b_k'\} \\ & \qquad\text{ for }k\in 0\ ...\ (length-1) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Block Floating-Point

If \(\bar b\) are the complex 32-bit mantissas of a BFP vector \(\bar{b} \cdot 2^{b\_exp}\), then the resulting vector \(\bar a\) are the complex 16-bit mantissas of BFP vector \(\bar{a} \cdot 2^{a\_exp}\), where \(a\_exp = b\_exp + b\_shr\).

  • a_real[out] Real part of complex output vector \(\bar a\).

  • a_imag[out] Imaginary part of complex output vector \(\bar a\).

  • b[in] Complex input vector \(\bar b\).

  • length[in] Number of elements in vectors \(\bar a\) and \(\bar b\)

  • b_shr[in] Right-shift appled to \(\bar b\).


Raised if a_real, a_imag or b are not word-aligned (See Note: Vector Alignment)