lib_ic API Definitions#

group ic_defines



Initial MU value applied on startup. MU controls the adaption rate of the IC and is normally adjusted by the adaption rate controller during operation.


Alpha used for calculating y_ema_energy, x_ema_energy and error_ema_energy.


Alpha used for leaking away H_hat, allowing filter to slowly forget adaption. This value is adjusted by the adaption rate controller if instability is detected.


The number of filter phases supported by the IC. Each filter phase represents 15ms of filter length. Hence a 10 phase filter will allow cancellation of noise sources with up to 150ms of echo tail length. There is a tradeoff between adaption speed and maximum cancellation of the filter; increasing the number of phases will increase the maximum cancellation at the cost of increased xCORE resource usage and slower adaption times.


This is the delay, in samples that one of the microphone signals is delayed in order for the filter to be effective. A larger number increases the delay through the filter but may improve cancellation. The group delay through the IC filter is 32 + this number of samples.


Down scaling factor for X energy calculation used for normalisation.


Up scaling factor for X energy calculation for used for LMS normalisation.


Delta value used in denominator to avoid large values when calculating inverse X energy.


Fast ratio threshold to detect instability.


Alpha for EMA input/output energy calculation.


Leakage alpha used in case vnr detects high voice probability.


Leakage alpha used in the case where instability is detected. This allows the filter to stabilise without completely forgetting the adaption.


Limits number of frames for which mu and leakage_alpha could be adapted.


VNR input threshold which decides whether to hold or adapt the filter.


VNR high threshold to leak the filter is the speech level is high.


VNR low threshold to adapt faster when the speech level is low.


Alpha for EMA VNR prediction calculation.


Initial value for the input VNR prediction.


Initial value for the output VNR prediction.


Number of Y channels input. This is fixed at 1 for the IC. The Y channel is delayed and used to generate the estimated noise signal to subtract from X. In practical terms it does not matter which microphone is X and which is Y. NOT USER MODIFIABLE.


Number of X channels input. This is fixed at 1 for the IC. The X channel is the microphone from which the estimated noise signal is subtracted. In practical terms it does not matter which microphone is X and which is Y. NOT USER MODIFIABLE.


Time domain samples block length used internally in the IC’s block LMS algorithm. NOT USER MODIFIABLE.


IC new samples frame size This is the number of samples of new data that the IC works on every frame. 240 samples at 16kHz is 15msec. Every frame, the IC takes in 15msec of mic data and generates 15msec of interference cancelled output. NOT USER MODIFIABLE.


Number of bins of spectrum data computed when doing a DFT of a IC_FRAME_LENGTH length time domain vector. The IC_FD_FRAME_LENGTH spectrum values represent the bins from DC to Nyquist. NOT USER MODIFIABLE.


Extra 2 samples you need to allocate in time domain so that the full spectrum (DC to nyquist) can be stored after the in-place FFT. NOT USER MODIFIABLE.