Tracealyzer Example#

This is a simple multi-tile FreeRTOS example application illustrating how to use FreeRTOS’ trace functionality with Percepio’s Tracealyzer. The application illustrates a timeout issue in an example state machine which can be visualized/diagnosed with Tracealyzer. In the absence of Tracealyzer, it is possible to define another trace implementation, see FreeRTOS Trace Macros documentation for more details. For such instances, an ASCII trace implementation is available as a good starting point. This can be enabled by changing the trace mode define in the cmake file to: USE_TRACE_MODE=TRACE_MODE_XSCOPE_ASCII.

The application starts the FreeRTOS scheduler running on both tile[0] and tile[1]. tile[0] has 11 tasks, whereas tile[1] has only 1 task runing. Both tile[0] and tile[1] share the same logic for a “hello” task which prints a message every second. The other 10 tile[0] tasks serve to demonstrate an issue that can be introduced on command by the user by interacting with the buttons on the xCORE.AI Explorer board. Pressing button 1 will increase a counter up to a maximum value of 8 (while button 0 decreases this counter down to a minimum value of 0). This value affects how many subprocess tasks sequentially interrupt the main process task. The main process task monitors timing while in its RUN state. If it detects an interruption greater than or equal to a configured threshold, the process will momentarily transition to a timeout state. Pressing Button 1 four or more consecutive times should result in this timeout event. Using tools such as Tracealyzer reduces the effort involved in diagnosing multi-core/task applications.

Limitations and Known Issues#

The following are the currently known issues/limitations for this example:

  • Tracing is performed on a single tile at a time. In this example, Tracealyzer is setup on tile[0].

  • Tracealyzer’s snapshot mode is not supported.

  • It may be necessary to disable certain trace events (see trcConfig.h), limit user events (i.e. via xTracePrint), or disable additional xSCOPE probes to reduce the bandwidth requirements over xSCOPE. In some cases the application may exit prematurely or drop trace data when there are exceptionally high number of trace events being recorded. This behavior may be attributed to the host PC’s USB controller or general performance factors regarding the offloading of trace data from the XTAG. In such cases, xscope2psf will log a “missing events” warning.

Deploying the firmware with Linux or macOS#

Building the host application#

Run the following commands in the root folder to build the host application using your native x86 Toolchain:


Permissions may be required to install the host applications.

cmake -B build_host
cd build_host
make xscope2psf
make install

The host application, xscope2psf, will be installed at /opt/xmos/bin/, and may be moved if desired.

Building the firmware#

Run the following commands in the xcore_sdk root folder to build the firmware:

cmake -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=xmos_cmake_toolchain/xs3a.cmake
cd build
make example_freertos_tracealyzer

Running the firmware#

From the build folder run:

make run_xscope_to_file_example_freertos_tracealyzer

Deploying the firmware with Windows#

Building the host application#

Run the following commands in the root folder to build the host application using your native x86 Toolchain:


Permissions may be required to install the host applications.

cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -B build_host
cd build_host
nmake xscope2psf
nmake install

The host application, xscope2psf.exe, will be install at %USERPROFILE%\.xmos\bin\\, and may be moved if desired.

The instructions that follow will assume that the path of this binary has been added to your PATH variable or the binary has been copied to the current directory.

Building the firmware#

Run the following commands in the xcore_sdk root folder to build the firmware:

cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=xmos_cmake_toolchain/xs3a.cmake
cd build
nmake example_freertos_tracealyzer

Running the firmware#

nmake run_xscope_to_file_example_freertos_tracealyzer

Verifying a successful build#

If the run command is successful, the console should have printed a subset of messages similar to the following:

Hello task running from tile 1 on core 4
Entered subprocess task (7) on core 3
Entered subprocess task (6) on core 4
Entered subprocess task (5) on core 5
Entered subprocess task (4) on core 0
Entered subprocess task (3) on core 2
Entered subprocess task (2) on core 3
Entered subprocess task (1) on core 4
Entered subprocess task (0) on core 5
Entered main process on core 0
Hello task running from tile 0 on core 2
Entered gpio task on core 1
Hello from tile 0
Hello from tile 1
Hello from tile 0
Hello from tile 1

The LED behavior should be as follows:

  • LED 0 should turn on while Button 0 is pressed.

  • LED 1 should turn on while Button 0 is pressed.

  • LED 2 should toggle when the main process enters the timeout state.

  • LED 3 should toggle every 500ms.

There should also be two new files generated:

  • freertos_trace.vcd

  • freertos_trace.gtkw

Generating a Tracealyzer PSF File#

With the previously generated freertos_trace.vcd file, from the build directory run:

xscope2psf -v -i freertos_trace.vcd -o freertos_trace.psf

The output from this command should look similar to what is shown below:

Opening input file ...
Opening output file ...
Processing file (Probe: 0) ...
[PSF Header]
- Format Version: 0x000A
- Options: 0x00000000
- Number of Cores: 6
- Platform: FreeRTOS
- Platform ID: 0x1AA1
- Platform Config: 1.0 Patch 0
- ISR Tail-Chaining Threshold: 0
[PSF Timestamp]
- Type: 1
- Frequency: 100000000
- Period: 100000
- Wraparounds: 0
- OS Tick Hz: 1000
- Latest Timestamp: 0
- OS Tick Count: 0
End of file reached.
Read 282879 lines.
Processed 70714 events.
Closing files ...

Successful execution of this command will produce the Percepio Streaming Format (PSF) file that can be opened in Tracealyzer for inspection.

Live Trace Visualization (streaming)#

The previous steps illustrated a way to save a VCD trace to disk and post process it. Alternatively, this workflow can be changed to visualize the trace live. Two methods are currently available for this which will be discussed in this section.

Before continuing, Tracealyzer must be configured to use the ‘File System` as the PSF streaming option. This can be configured via the following steps:

  1. From the menubar in Tracealyzer, click File –> Settings

  2. In the Settings window’s left-hand menu tree, click Project Settings –> PSF Streaming Settings.

  3. Under Target Connection select File System.

  4. This setting will provide an option to specify a PSF file. Specify the freertos_trace.psf file that was previously generated.

  5. Click OK.

  6. From the menubar, click Trace –> Open Live Stream Tool.

  7. This will open a new Live Stream window, in this window click Connect.

With the xrun/xgdb example_freertos_tracealyzer.xe and xscope2psf applications still running, it should now be possible to click Start Session and see the trace data live. Alternatively, the Start and Stop recording button in the main window’s left hand menu bar may be utilized for control.


The Live Stream window’s reported Event Rate and Data Rate is useful when optimizing xscope bandwidth utilization and to determine if it is necessary to limit the frequency or types of events being recorded. A Data Rate versus time graph can be shown in this window via the menubar’s View –> Data Rate option.

Using –xscope-file#

From the build folder run:

  1. Start the application:

xrun --xscope-file freertos_trace example_freertos_tracealyzer.xe
  1. Start the PSF file generation process:

xscope2psf -v -s -i freertos_trace.vcd -o freertos_trace.psf

As the VCD file is being written to (via xscope), xscope2psf will produce status updates on the number of lines processed and how many events have been written to the PSF file. The console output will look similar to the following:

Opening input file ...
Opening output file ...
Processing file (Probe: 0) ...
[PSF Header]
- Format Version: 0x000A
- Options: 0x00000000
- Number of Cores: 6
- Platform: FreeRTOS
- Platform ID: 0x1AA1
- Platform Config: 1.0 Patch 0
- ISR Tail-Chaining Threshold: 0
[PSF Timestamp]
- Type: 1
- Frequency: 100000000
- Period: 100000
- Wraparounds: 0
- OS Tick Hz: 1000
- Latest Timestamp: 0
- OS Tick Count: 0
- Read 33027 lines
- Processed 8251 events
- Read 41359 lines
- Processed 10334 events
- Read 47431 lines
- Processed 11852 events
- Read 56771 lines
- Processed 14187 events

Using –xscope-port#

  1. Start the application:

xrun --xscope-port localhost:10234 example_freertos_tracealyzer.xe
  1. Start the PSF file generation process:

xscope2psf -v -I localhost:10234 -o freertos_trace.psf

As record data is sent to xscope2psf it will produce status updates on the number of events written to the PSF file. The console output will look similar to the following:

Configuring xscope callbacks ...
Opening output file ...
Connecting to xscope (Probe: 0, Host: localhost, Port: 10234) ...
[REGISTERED] Probe ID: 0, Name: 'freertos_trace'
[PSF Header]
- Format Version: 0x000A
- Options: 0x00000000
- Number of Cores: 6
- Platform: FreeRTOS
- Platform ID: 0x1AA1
- Platform Config: 1.0 Patch 0
- ISR Tail-Chaining Threshold: 0
[PSF Timestamp]
- Type: 1
- Frequency: 100000000
- Period: 100000
- Wraparounds: 0
- OS Tick Hz: 1000
- Latest Timestamp: 0
- OS Tick Count: 0
- Processed 162 events
- Processed 1585 events
- Processed 3902 events
- Processed 5288 events

In this case the target application’s printf output will not be present in either xrun/xgdb or xscope2psf (while xscope2psf is connected). This output can be emitted on xscope2psf by providing the --print-endpoint option. It is recommended to use the -p and -v options separately as the current implementation of this utility does not provide any measures to ensure the target’s printf log entries are not interrupted by the regular stream status reporting.