
template<unsigned MIC_COUNT, unsigned S2_DEC_FACTOR, unsigned S2_TAP_COUNT>
class mic_array::TwoStageDecimator

First and Second Stage Decimator.

This class template represents a two stage decimator which converts a stream of PDM samples to a lower sample rate stream of PCM samples.

Template Parameters
  • MIC_COUNT – Number of microphone channels.

  • S2_DEC_FACTOR – Stage 2 decimation factor.

  • S2_TAP_COUNT – Stage 2 tap count.git p

Public Functions

void Init(const uint32_t *s1_filter_coef, const int32_t *s2_filter_coef, const right_shift_t s2_filter_shr)

Initialize the decimator.

Sets the stage 1 and 2 filter coefficients. The decimator must be initialized before any calls to ProcessBlock().

s1_filter_coef points to a block of coefficients for the first stage decimator. This library provides coefficients for the first stage decimator; see mic_array/etc/filters_default.h. If you wish to provide your own filter coefficients, see



s2_filter_coef points to an array of coefficients for the second stage decimator. This library provides coefficients for the second stage decimator where the second stage decimation factor is 6; see mic_array/etc/filters_default.h. If you wish to provide your own filter coefficients, see



s2_filter_shr is the final right-shift applied to the stage 2 filter’s accumulator prior to output. See lib_xs3_math’s documentation for xs3_filter_fir_s32_t for more details.

  • s1_filter_coef – Stage 1 filter coefficients.

  • s2_filter_coef – Stage 2 filter coefficients.

  • s2_filter_shr – Stage 2 filter right-shift.

void ProcessBlock(int32_t sample_out[MIC_COUNT], uint32_t pdm_block[BLOCK_SIZE])

Process one block of PDM data.

Processes a block of PDM data to produce an output sample from the second stage decimator.

pdm_block contains exactly enough PDM samples to produce a single output sample from the second stage decimator. The layout of pdm_block should (effectively) be:

struct {
  struct {
    // lower word indices are older samples.
    // less significant bits in a word are older samples.
    uint32_t samples[S2_DEC_FACTOR];
  } microphone[MIC_COUNT]; // mic channels are in ascending order
} pdm_block;

A single output sample from the second stage decimator is computed and written to sample_out[].

  • sample_out – Output sample vector.

  • pdm_block – PDM data to be processed.

Public Members

unsigned DecimationFactor = S2_DEC_FACTOR

Stage 2 decimator decimation factor.

unsigned TapCount = S2_TAP_COUNT

Stage 2 decimator tap count.

const uint32_t *filter_coef

Pointer to filter coefficients for Stage 1

uint32_t pdm_history[MIC_COUNT][8]

Filter state (PDM history) for stage 1 filters.

xs3_filter_fir_s32_t filters[MIC_COUNT]

Stage 2 FIR filters

int32_t filter_state[MIC_COUNT][S2_TAP_COUNT] = {{0}}

Stage 2 filter stage.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr unsigned BLOCK_SIZE = MIC_COUNT * S2_DEC_FACTOR

Size of a block of PDM data in words.

static constexpr unsigned MicCount = MIC_COUNT

Number of microphone channels.

static const struct mic_array::TwoStageDecimator::[anonymous] Stage2

Stage 2 decimator parameters