
AN00124: USB CDC Class as Virtual Serial Port | XMOS
AN00124: USB CDC Class as Virtual Serial Port. VERSION, RELEASED, COMMENTS, DOWNLOAD. 2.0.2rc1, 2016-01-08, PDF. 2.0.1rc1, 2015-09-30, PDF. 2.0.0rc3, 2015-03-23 ...
USB CDC Class as Virtual Serial Port
AN00124 (2.0.2) events and build more logic into the task. 2.9 Application interface. The application interface is the set of functions defined as xC ...
USB CDC Class as Virtual Serial Port - Ex- tended on xCORE-200 ...
This application note extends AN00124 to interface the USB virtual serial port to a selection of hardware ... There are additions to the Makefile provided with ...
USB CDC Class as Virtual Serial Port
This application note shows how to create a USB device compliant to the standard USB Communications. Device Class (CDC) on an XMOS multicore microcontroller ...
USB CDC Class as Virtual Serial Port - Ex- tended on sliceKIT
This application note extends AN00124 to provide a virtual serial port application that interfaces to hardware demostrating how to build a system which ...
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